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第99章 卷32


马龙探案卷三 之 错误的凶案 三十二


thERE wASN’t A woRd ALL thE way down the elevator or on the way to the car. Not until helene had started the motor did Jake speak.

“我们发现的人都是有可能谋杀冈布里尔的,” 他郁郁地说,“但都不是莫娜?麦克莱恩。你觉得胡克说的是真的吗?”

“we keep finding people who should have murdered Gumbril,” he said gloomily. “but not mona mcclane. do you think hook is a person who was associated with that organization. “do you think hook is telling the truth?”

“毫无疑问,” 马龙向他保证,“他是个骗子,但在这方面他很诚实。” 他皱了皱眉,“很容易看出他为什么会认为弗雷特清空了冈布里尔的保险箱。但如果她去过他的房间 ——”

“No doubt of it,” malone assured him. “he’s a crook, but he’s perfectly honest.” he scowled. “It’s easy to see why he figured that Fleurette had cleaned out Gumbril’s strongbox. but if she had gone to his room-”

“她确实去过他的房间,” 杰克兴奋地说。

“She did go to his room,” Jake said excitedly.

“你不会是碰巧有了洞察力吧?” 律师轻蔑地问。

“You haven’t turned clairvoyant, by any chance?” the lawyer asked scornfully.

“不是,但我有鼻子,” 杰克说,“香水。我在任何地方都能闻出来。记得我跟你说过那个衣橱是什么味道吗。她的衣服上也有同样的香水。而且味道还很浓。”

“No, but I’ve got a nose,” Jake said. “perfume. I’d know it anywhere. Remember I told you how that closet smelled. there was the same perfume on her clothes. heavy, too.”

“如果真是这样,” 马龙缓缓地说,“而这很有可能。如果弗雷特确实去过冈布里尔的房间……” 他顿了顿,最后严厉地说,“我们必须拿到那个盒子,就这样。而且,我们必须现在就拿到。”

“If that’s so,” malone said slowly, “and it may very easily be-if Fleurette did go to Gumbril’s room-” he paused and finally said grimly, “we’ve got to get that box, that’s all. what’s more, we’ve got to get it right now.”


helene stepped on the accelerator and shot past a startled policeman down michigan Avenue. “we’ll have mr. Gumbril’s little box in half an hour.”

“美好的愿望,” 马龙咆哮道,“不过别忘了,冯?弗拉纳根可能还没允许公众进入冈布里尔的房间。”

“A nice sentiment,” malone growled. “don’t forget though that Von Flanagan probably still has Gumbril’s room closed to the public.”

“你一点也没有让我气馁,” 她平静地说,“杰克,那个盒子是什么样的?”

“You don’t discourage me in the least,” she said placidly. “Jake, what was that box like?”

“它是一个普通的金属公文箱,” 他告诉她,“有一把很好的锁和一个在顶部的把手,是瓷釉的或是漆成的深绿色。”

“It was a regular metal dispatch box,” he told her, “with a very good lock and a handle on the top. It was enameled or painted dark green.”


She was silent for a block or so. “Is there a hardware store anywhere near here?”

“有戈德布拉特的店,” 杰克说,“我想他们有五金部门。”

“there’s Goldblatt’s,” Jake said; “they have a hardware department, I imagine.”

“谢谢。我就想知道这个。” 她把车开到范布伦街,穿过州街,在拐角处停下车。“绕着街区开,然后在这个拐角接我。” 在他还没来得及说一句话之前,她已经跳下车,消失在了人行道上的人群中。

“thanks. that’s all I wanted to know.” She drove to Van buren Street, over to State, and stopped the car at the corner. “drive around the block and pick me up here on the corner.” before he could say a word she had hopped out and was lost in the sidewalk crowds.


Jake piloted the big car gingerly through the late-afternoon traffic. “malone, what do you suppose she’s up to now?”

“我不知道,” 律师咆哮道,“而且不问可能更安全。别担心,我们会知道的。”

“I don’t know,” the lawyer growled, “and it’s probably safer not to ask. don’t worry, we’ll find out.”


After a few turns around the block they saw helene on the corner and stopped next to the curb.

“拿到你想要的东西了吗?” 杰克问。

“Get what you wanted?” Jake asked.


“Yes. don’t bother me with questions now. Get out, you’re ing too.”

“你不能把车停在这里,” 杰克抱怨道,“我们现在已经让两个街区的交通堵塞了。”

“You can’t leave the car here,” Jake plained. “we’ve tied up traffic for two blocks now.”


“I’m not going to leave it here. malone, you just keep driving around for a while and every five minutes go past this corner. In due course of time you can pick us up here, plete with box.”

“如果这是个新游戏,我不喜欢它,” 马龙沮丧地说,接过了方向盘。

“If this is a new game, I don’t like it,” malone said morosely, taking the wheel.

“好吧,如果我们一个小时后还没回来,你就去监狱。” 她把手搭在杰克的胳膊下。“电话亭在哪里?”

“well, if we aren’t here in an hour, head for the jail.” She tucked her hand under Jake’s arm. “where’s a telephone booth?”


he pointed across State Street to a cigar store. She picked her way delicately through the muddy melted snow to the store, looked quickly in the phone book, and dialed the number of the Fairfax hotel.


“I want to talk to mr. poppenpuss.”


A pause.

“但是确实在那里。我知道他住在那里。这不是费尔法克斯酒店吗?” 她的声音因愤怒而升高。“那我要和 614 房间的波彭普斯先生通话。我告诉你 614 房间有个波彭普斯先生。让我和 614 房间通话。但我知道他在那里。” 她开始愤怒地斥责酒店服务员的愚蠢,然后把听筒猛地挂回挂钩上。

“but there is too. I know he lives there. Isn’t this the Fairfax hotel?” her voice rose in rage. “then I want to talk to mr. poppenpuss, p-o-p-p-E-N-p-U-S-S, in room six fourteen. I tell you there is a mr. poppenpuss in room six fourteen. Let me talk to room six fourteen. but I know there is.” She burst into an angry tirade about the stupidity of hotel clerks, and banged the receiver on its hook.

“到底怎么回事?” 杰克问。

“what the hell?” Jake asked.

“我只是想确认一下 614 房间是不是空的,” 她心满意足地说,“谢天谢地,它是空的。” 她向一辆路过的出租车挥手,告诉司机:“去费尔法克斯酒店。”

“I just wanted to find out if room six fourteen is empty,” she said placently. “thank heaven it is.” She waved at a passing taxi, told the driver, “Fairfax hotel.”

“海伦,” 杰克绝望地说,“你打算怎么办?”

“helene,” Jake said desperately, “what are going to do?”


“do you want to e along with me, or shall I do this myself?”


“of course I’m ing with you.”


“then stop asking questions. to quote malone, this is a new game and I do like it.”


At the door to the Fairfax hotel she told him, “Get a room, pay for it in advance, and try to look as if you’d never seen me until ten minutes ago.”


“helene, please-”


“And stop looking embarrassed.”


Jake sighed and decided to play along. the lone, shabby bellhop showed them to a dingy room on the fourth floor, pocketed his tip and went away. he closed the door and looked at her thoughtfully.


“Since we’re here, and since we’ve paid for the room-”

“我知道你的意思,” 她说,“这是一个很好的想法,但这是一次公务入住。我希望你还带着马龙给你的那把万能钥匙。”

“I know what you mean,” she said, “and it’s a wonderful idea, but this is a business trip. I hope you still have that skeleton key malone gave you.”

“我带着,但那又怎么样?如果冯?弗拉纳根在 514 房间安排了警察,那把钥匙对我们就没用了。”

“I have, but what of it? If Von Flanagan has a cop stationed in room five fourteen, the key won’t do us any good.”

“如果它能打开 514,那它也能打开 614。” 她打开门看了看。走廊里空无一人。海伦开始向楼梯走去;杰克满怀希望地跟在后面。

“If it will open five fourteen, it’ll open six fourteen.” She opened the door and looked out. the corridor was empty. helene started for the stairs; Jake hopefully followed.

六楼的走廊也是空荡荡的。她带路走向 614 房间。

the sixth floor corridor was just as empty. She led the way to six fourteen.


“try the key and pray that it works.”


It did. She switched on the light, closed and locked the door. then she took a small, paper-wrapped package from her purse, woman’s eighth wonder of the world, unwrapped it, and took out a long piece of heavy cord and a large hook.

“我们要去‘钓鱼’了,” 她宣布。她把绳子牢牢地绑在钩子上,把这套装置递给杰克。“我还需要告诉你接下来该怎么做吗,还是你已经明白了?”

“we’re going fishing,” she announced. She tied the cord securely to the hook and handed the apparatus to Jake. “do I need to suggest what to do next, or do you get the idea?”

“我明白了,” 他高兴地说,“海伦,你太棒了。”

“I do,” he said delightedly. “helene, you’re wonderful.”

“随你怎么说,” 她说,“但要把盒子拿回来。”

“have it your own way,” she said, “but get the box.”


he opened the window and looked out. on the ledge below he could see the box, one end of it lightly frosted with snow. Luckily the snow did not cover the handle. Slowly and carefully he lowered the hook on its length of cord.


the first two tries missed the handle pletely. helene appeared beside him and looked anxiously out the window. on his third attempt the hook slipped into the handle, he gave a gentle tug, and the box moved. helene gasped delightedly. Very carefully he hauled in the string until at last he was able to reach out with his other hand, grasp the box, and pull it over the sill.


For a moment they sat on the floor beside the open window, breathless and beaming. then a frown began to gather on Jake’s face.

“你什么都想到了,就是没想到怎么处理尸体,” 他抱怨道,“我们拿到了盒子,但我们要怎么把它从这里弄出去呢?服务员看到我们进来了,他看到我们什么都没拿。如果他看到我们拿着这个走出去怎么办?”

“You’ve thought of everything except how to dispose of the body,” he plained. “we’ve got the box, but how are we going to get it out of here? the clerk saw us e in, he saw we weren’t carrying anything. what’s he going to do if he sees us walking out with this?”

“你小看我了,” 她说着,挣扎着站了起来,“我也想到了这一点。跟我来,去四楼。”

“You underestimate me,” she said, scrambling to her feet. “I thought of that too. e on down to the fourth floor.”


they went down without meeting anybody. At the fourth floor she paused and handed him the box. “Jake, there’s a corner in the corridor right at the stairs. You go on down to the second floor with the box—”


“And leave you here alone? don’t be-”


“I’ll be all right, don’t worry. park yourself around that little corner out of sight of the stairs, and wait there until the clerk, and everyone else in the lobby, is out of the way.”


“how are you going to get them, out of the lobby?”


“that’s my business. You tend to your own knitting. whatever happens, don’t pay any attention to what I may do, no matter what it is. Understand?”


he nodded, hoping for the best, but knowing he wouldn’t get it.


“As soon as the coast is clear, head for the street and start as fast as you can for that corner where we’re to meet malone. I’ll join you there in five minutes.”


“helene, what are you going to do?”

“你很快就会知道的,” 她不祥地说。

“You’ll find out,” she said ominously.

“我就怕我会知道。” 他说。他把盒子夹在胳膊下,继续下楼,站在二楼角落的阴影里。他刚躲到角落里,就听到一个声音,让他的血液都凝固了。海伦在楼上几层正尖叫着。他的冲动是扔掉盒子,跑去帮她。但他没有这么做。在最初的可怕时刻之后,他发现尖叫声中有一丝虚假。

“I’m afraid I will,” he said. he tucked the box under his arm, went on down the stairs, and stood in the shadows of the corner. he had barely reached its shelter when a sound froze the blood in his veins. A few floors above helene was screaming at the top of her voice. his impulse was to drop the box and run to her aid. he didn’t obey it. After the first terrible moment, he detected something just a trifle phony in the scream.


the inhabitants of the lobby, however, heard no phony note. Standing in the shadows, Jake heard the elevator shoot upward. Running footsteps sounded on the stairs. As they died away he looked around the corner, saw no one, went cautiously down the stairs to the lobby. No one was in sight. he walked quickly across the lobby and onto the sidewalk and started toward Van buren Street.


he wanted to wait for helene. Still, it was probably best to carry out her instructions. by the time he had covered one block, he began to worry. what if those screams had been genuine, after all? he told himself firmly they were not, and continued north. by the end of the next block he had begun to worry about how she was going to talk her way out of whatever she had screamed herself into. when he had reached the corner of State and Van buren, he had decided to go back to the Fairfax hotel and find out what had happened to her, e what might.


Just as he reached that decision a taxi stopped in front of him and helene hopped out, bright-eyed and smiling.

“亲爱的!” 杰克无力地说。他带着一种绝望的神情紧紧握住她的手。

“darling!” Jake said, inadequately. he clung to her hand with a kind of desperation.


“how did you like my scream?”


he shuddered. “what in God’s name did you do?”


She smiled happily, like a pleased child. “I ran down the stairs screaming, and when the clerk finally quieted me enough to talk, I told him you’d grabbed a twenty-dollar bill that I was carrying in my stocking and ran off with it.”

“好吧,” 三十秒后杰克严肃地说,“这又让我以后不能去一家酒店了。” 他擦了擦额头,又说,“要是他们叫了警察怎么办?”

“well,” Jake said grimly, thirty seconds later, “that makes one more hotel I have to stay out of in the future.” he mopped his brow and added, “Suppose they’d sent for the police?”

“笨蛋。我就知道他们不会。事实上”—— 她的眼中露出一丝不自在的尴尬 ——“如果我安静地离开并且什么都不说,服务员从收银机里拿出十美元给了我。我不得不收下,但我到底该拿这钱怎么办呢?这是脏钱!”

“Idiot. I knew they wouldn’t. In fact”-a look of unfortable embarrassment came into her eyes- “the clerk gave me a ten-dollar bill out of the cash register if I’d go quietly away and say nothing. I had to take it, but what on earth shall I do with it? It’s tainted money!”


At that moment the car appeared around the corner, driven by malone. A sudden inspiration came to helene, she ran a few steps down the street and dropped the bill in the hand of a Volunteers-of-America Santa claus who probably never recovered from the shock. A moment later they were in the car, driving away from the scene.

“我们拿到盒子了,” 海伦报告说,“盒子和十美元。我觉得杰克也多了几根白头发,但这很值得。”

“we got the box,” helene reported. “the box and ten dollars. I think Jake got a few gray hairs too, but it was worth it.”


malone said, “maybe you’d better not tell me how you did it. It might keep me awake nights, thinking about it. Let’s see the box.”


Jake held it out. “Now all we have to do is get it open.”

“那很容易,” 海伦说,“我们只需要一个锁匠。”

“that’s easy,” helene said. “All we need is a locksmith.”

“锁匠个鬼,” 马龙轻蔑地说,“我和爱,我们嘲笑锁匠。我以前有个客户是个职业窃贼。等我把这个盒子拿到我的办公室再说!”

“Locksmith hell,” malone said scornfully. “me and love, we laugh at locksmiths. I used to have a client who was a professional cracksman. Just wait till I get that box in my office!”


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